Sunday, November 23, 2008

The process is definitely fun.........

"Love what you're doing right now. All you can hope to do is to get a little bit better each day."

- George Heidekat

I was in my den thumping away on the computer keyboard and E was right next to me drawing his own version of animal tracks. Each time he drew one he would ask me what animal I thought that particular track belonged to. Ashamed to admit that I didn't pay too close an attention to his incessant questions, etc. Then I heard him say, look now the dog can walk! Since it was a deviation from the animal tracks, I decided to look just to see what he was talking about and this is what I found! LOL!

E mixing primary colors and never fails to be amazed with the color changes. He would also mix all three and say, "Look it's brown!".

Natural Geometric Solids purchased from a local teacher's store. It's from Learning Resources. You can find it online and it has 19 shapes.

3-part cards geometric shapes activity which E completed by himself.
As E practices new and old lessons daily, there is definite progress and large and small achievements. Most importantly, if the process can be fun there is no need to worry about getting to the end. It usually takes care of itself. I strive for a non-competitive, nurturing environment in our home. It's been and still is a blessed journey. :-)
Great day to all!

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