Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Play is so forgotten in our daily grind that I have purposely made play the first thing we do here every morning. Play shapes the brain, opens the imagination and invigorates the soul. Hopefully my children will develop an internal play compass and their own sense of mastery from within. And yes, I do view Montessori activities to be freely chosen play-based activities contributing to long term life satisfaction.


Swati said...

Yes, you are so right. Play is what I should start the day - or any study session with. We used to have it so, but in the pressure of school work, I seem to have forgotten it. Thanks for reminding me.

How did you make the patterned painting? It looks wonderful and I am sure it was an enjoyable activity.

Phebe said...

You're most welcome. I need reminding myself! In wanting to provide the best opportunities possible for our children including a prime education, we often get lost in the nowadays "normal but not healthy" pattterns. In allowing wisely guided personal choices initiated by my children, I believe long term life skills and a rewarding sense of fulfillment will be some of the results.

We used brayers to produce such effects on the art paper. First, we put (in random fashion) dollops of various colored tempera paint all over the paper and then E simply rolled over them with his brayers until the paper was covered and colors mixed in the process. Better results with acrylic paint. Another way, with much credit to Eric Carle, as we drew inspiration from his illustrations, is to spread a quite thick layer of paint (can be a mix of colors over the paper, covering it in entirety and then run a fork through in whatever way you please - zig-zag, straight, weave, etc. or you can make your very own comb patterns by cutting cardboard pieces in various desired "teeth" patterns and comb it through the paint covered paper. Hope my explanation is clear. It is a truly fun activity to create various paper patterns and then use these papers as supplies to create a collage! Have fun!!

Swati said...

I did think of the forks, but these marks didn't seem to match - never thought of brayers! Must go and get some, and more colours and papers. We are going to do some more of free hand art now; enough of trying to make 'garden scenes' and the like and painting within lines - thats what the school wants!

Phebe said...

Have loads of fun now! :-)