Saturday, February 6, 2010

Parts of a Plant

And so we talked a LOT about plants........................

Since we have many tropical indoor plants, we randomly chose a plant. First, we learned it sensorially. E touched the stems, leaves (front and back), etc. and talked about how the different parts felt. I taught him how to properly handle a plant. And then before I could ask him about what plants needed to grow, he told me in his usual storytelling length fashion. :-)

Then Baby M woke up so, in my usual manner, I headed for the computer for furthering this lesson and found some nice powerpoint presentation. We also used this. E loves powerpoint presentations because he's such a visual learner. Then we did this since E can read pretty well now.

Finally, we headed to the puzzle and 3 part cards.

Finally, E drew the plant from memory and labeled the parts. A language, reading, writing, sensorial and science (botany) all wrapped in one.

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